Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pet Peeves

Yep! I've found it! My biggest pet peeve. When people are yawning and they are determined to try, I repeat, TRY, to keep talking while yawning! The babble just comes out as high pitched, muffled, annoyance! All it takes is 3-6 seconds to finish the brain-refreshing, oxygen infused yawn...why ruin it with unrecognizable words?! UH!

...ok, I'm better now...


Eilas Photography said...

Lately I have a complete intolerance for grown women who use words like "yummy" or "boo-boo" when speaking to other adults. Or abbreviating words like precious into "presh". What the heck is that?!?!

Mike said...

Haha! That's great! The whole saying "presh" for precious is rather annoying to me as well. I must say that I'm guilty of saying "that's delish", for delicious. But that is a bit more acceptable than "presh"...

And for sure, the whole talking like a "baby" using "boo-boo" or "yummy" I mean seriously, what grade are they in? They probably say it with a little pouty lip saying "I got a boo boo"..or there's "ouchy" I'm all fired up! hee hee!