Monday, November 30, 2009

Has it really been this long...

It's been nearly a year since my last post, and oh my, has life taken me for a ride. In a quick recap, I moved my family back to Orlando, FL as the company that I worked for was unable to pay us so we had to retreat back to live with family. I had nearly 10 interviews in Orlando and not one company offered me the position. I was really starting to question myself when I couldn't even get a job at Target or Publix. After struggling to try to survive and feed my family off of piddly little freelance jobs, I was offered interviews with three companies back in Nashville, TN. With not much hope of getting an offer from one of those companies, I was proven wrong! I was offered a job after 10 agonizing months of unemployment, of sorts. So within 10 months, I moved my family from Tennessee to Florida, then from Florida back to Tennessee. We are tired of moving and don't plan on leaving for quite some time.

It is so wonderful to live in Tennessee again. The weather, the scenery, and most importantly, the friends. My wife and I are loving our second time around in Nashville. We are dedicated to getting plugged in to the family of friends that we have here that we didn't do the last time we lived here. We realize how blessed we are to be surrounded by the family of friends that we have.

God has really humbled us over this past 10 months and I am so thankful for that. We are so much more grounded and have our eyes and hearts focused on God and faith in Him rather than bickering about this or that, or wanting the biggest, newest, coolest toys. We are quite happy with a simple life, free of clutter, free of stress. Thank you God for building our character over the past 10 months and forcing us to build our faith.


Stephanie Sofka said...

very well said sweetheart. I thank God for you daily and I love you more than anything.

Jayme and Genevieve said...

yeah I cried a little. We're glad to have you back! and the work that God is doing in your family is evident.