For those of you who may not know, I have recently been diagnosed with sciatica. Sciatica is a very painful condition that occurs in the lower lumbar region of your spine. It simple terms, my sciatic nerve is being pinched between my vertebra. I have always suffered from back pain, but it has always tended to subside on it's own. However that is not the case this time. For the past four weeks or so I have been dealing with severe back pain and numbness in my legs. I went to the doctor and was prescribed two medicines. One was a steroid and the other an anti-inflammatory. The pharmacist told me to make sure to take the steroid at the exact times specified and to not stop taking it until all the pills were taken. I had to take six the first day, five the next and so on. A digression to ween me off the pills slowly.
Well, on Tuesday, I missed taking my two pills and when I went to bed on Tuesday night, I had no idea what was in store for my body as I slept. Starting at around 1 in the morning, I woke up with a splitting headache. Then around 3 am, I awoke to cold sweats, severe pain in my back, extreme dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and felt as if I was going to black out. This continued for several hours until the early morning.
What was happening to my body was withdrawal from the steroid pack that I was prescribed. The fact that I didn't take the two pills on Tuesday resulted in my body reacting the way it had. I missed work and ended up trying to rest all day but without success. With the condition my back is in, there is not a comfortable way to sit, stand, or lay. I am still feeling the effects today (Thursday) but they have lessened.
As I am getting older, taking prescriptions for various pains is scaring me more and more. Simply not knowing what actually is happening in my body when I take that pill frightens me.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Know it alls....
Why do they get under my skin, or anyones skin for that matter? I get so frustrated with individuals who always have a response for everything, or always have an answer to a question asked. They can never say, "You know what, I don't know, but I'll find out". They will come up with some asinine, off-the-wall answer that if they thought their answer through, would see that it is incorrect.
The other day, I was in the presence of a KIA (Know it All, not the car) and there was a situation involving someone we knew. The entire time until we actually spoke to our friend, the KIA was sitting there telling us all of his assumptions of what happened and why it happened. I simply said, how about we wait until we talk to (our friend) and he can tell us what actually happened. That shut him right up.
There are many times that I just bite my tongue as I realize that a KIA will always have a response to everything, even when they know they're wrong, and I just don't feel like bickering with people who are that mind-numbingly ignorant.
The other day, I was in the presence of a KIA (Know it All, not the car) and there was a situation involving someone we knew. The entire time until we actually spoke to our friend, the KIA was sitting there telling us all of his assumptions of what happened and why it happened. I simply said, how about we wait until we talk to (our friend) and he can tell us what actually happened. That shut him right up.
There are many times that I just bite my tongue as I realize that a KIA will always have a response to everything, even when they know they're wrong, and I just don't feel like bickering with people who are that mind-numbingly ignorant.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Best ever....
Thank you to Mr. Tim Burton and Mr. Danny Elfman for making the best movie and the best score, Nightmare Before Christmas. Listening to it now and remembering how much I absolutely love that film and soundtrack!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Walden Farms
Yesterday, I met Steph at the Walden Farms pumpkin patch and corn fields. It was so much fun seeing Garrett run around looking at all of the pumpkins, playing with his friends and petting the animals. They had a really fun hay maze that Garrett went through like such a big boy, we are so proud.
After the pumpkin patch, we met up with our friends at Fat Mo's, me and Steph's new favorite hamburger joint. Well, I technically had the roast beef sandwich with spicy fries, but it was so delish!

After the pumpkin patch, we met up with our friends at Fat Mo's, me and Steph's new favorite hamburger joint. Well, I technically had the roast beef sandwich with spicy fries, but it was so delish!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
And the point is?
As I sit at the doctor waiting for them to check my back to see what's wrong with it, I wonder what the point of making an appointment time is about. It is now twenty minutes past my official appointment. I can't imagine any other profession where a lack of punctuality is so prevelant.
Monday, October 20, 2008
101 Things About Me...
I got this idea from a friend of mine who created a similar post on her blog called "100 Things you Didn't Know About Me?". I really liked that idea and thought I would post something similar. These are by no means in order of importance or relevance. They are all important to me, that is why they're on the list. Some things may be surprising, some you may know already.
1) I miss my dad. He passed away over 2 years ago and the pain doesn't subside ever....I just cry less.
2) I cannot stand confrontation. I like peace and calm discussions with cool heads.
3) I love cold weather. Bundling up and getting all toasty. Snuggling up in my favorite chair with a good book while the wind howls outside with a nice warm fire crackling.
4) I am dedicated. I following things through to the end no matter what. Even if it takes me awhile to get my task accomplished, I don't rest easily until it is finished.
5) It makes me very sad and angry when people make fun of people who are mentally handicapped or have a disability. I hate it when people use the "R" word to describe mentally handicapped people.
6) I don't like "know-it-alls". People who have a story for everything and seemingly make up some things to appear as if they know what they're talking about. I am in the presence of someone like that as I type this very post.
7) I'm a family man. I love hanging out with my wife and my boys. They're my best friends in the world.
8) I am a simple man. I don't like alot of clutter. When you've moved from city to city like I have, you learn not to have alot of junk.
9) I am sensitive.
10) My love language is Words of Affirmation.
11) I am really reserved in large crowds. If I have to go to a function where there will be alot of people, I prefer to go with my wife or a close friend so I can be sure to have someone to talk to. I am not good at striking up conversations.
12) I don't like being the center of attention. I'd rather remain in the background.
13) I am very shy. However around my friends and loved ones, I am quite out-going.
14) When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronomer as I was, and still am, fascinated with the universe.
15) I used to get my sister in trouble when we were younger by slapping my leg then yelling "Ow! Julie! Stop hitting me!". I still feel bad for that.
16) I don't get star-struck at all. Actors, musicians, and "famous" people in general are all just like you and me. They have just chosen to act or sing for their career rather than being a banker or a designer. Just because they are on the television or on the radio, what makes them more important than me?
17) I have always wanted to be a sniper in the military. Still do.
18) I didn't shoot a real gun until I was 30 years old.
19) I love to cook.
20) My least favorite thing to do, cleaning-wise, is folding laundry. Although I certainly love the result of fresh, clean clothes.
21) I love feeding my youngest son his bottle late at night when he wakes up around midnight. He's so sleepy, and so peaceful. He lays in my arms and closes his eyes, and takes his little hands and puts them on my hands as I hold his bottle.
22) I always wanted to be a stuntman.
23) I find myself loving to write and always think that I have brilliant ideas for a book. I will start typing my thoughts and trying to formulate them into a book but once I get 2 pages completed, I realize that I'm out of ideas and the story is going no where.
24) I sometimes wish I would have gone to a "real" university so I could have experience the full college a Christian way of course.
25) I was a bartender.
26) I miss the easy access to a beach.
27) It makes me sad seeing how quickly my boys are growing up.
28) When I am in the car, I can sing like a rockstar.
29) I don't like when people are upset with me. I want to make everything better right then.
30) I know how to crochet.
31) I love downtown metropolises. I love seeing huge skyscrapers and all of the lights. Traveling to New York City a couple of years ago was one of the most fun trips that I have ever been on; seeing all of the buildings, one after the other, it was awe-inspiring.
32) I cry at sappy movies
33) Whatever happened to writing letters by hand and mailing them. That seems like an art to me and I like to write notes to my wife every once in awhile and give them to her like we're passing in the hall between classes in high school.
34) I love surprising my wife with things that she wants unexpectedly.
35) I took swimming lessons for 5 years and received 15 badges for various accomplishments in swimming including life saving and distance swimming.
36) I was on the golf team in high school.
37) I still play ice hockey and inline hockey whenever I get the chance.
38) The best round of golf I ever had I shot an 82. That same day Tiger Woods shot his worst round of golf at the British Open and coincidentally shot an 82.
39) I own a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air and a 1986 Chevy Custom Deluxe Pick-up
40) I cannot STAND forwarded emails
41) I believe that every single life is precious. The thought of abortion makes me sick to my core.
42) I don't like liars.
43) I don't like people who play mind games
44) I worked on the ice crew for the Nashville Predators (NHL) hockey team for 2 seasons. I would go out during commercial breaks and scoop the ice from around the nets and move the nets in between periods as the zamboni would drive by.
45) I love to laugh.
46) You can tell what kind of mood I'm in by the type of music I'm listening to.
47) I'm a people pleaser.
48) I love fashion and trying to look "put together".
49) I had a bully in high-school. One day, he tried to push me down the stairs. As he pushed me, I, all in one motion, jumped backwards and grabbed his shirt dragging him down the stairs as I landed safely. The next day, he tried pushing me around again, so i tactically took my gum out of my mouth and stuck it in his hair. He had to cut it out and it left a huge bald area. He never bothered me again.
50) I wonder how long I'd last in a UFC fight.
51) I have two tattoos. A cross on my right arm on the inner bicep. And a tattered American flag with angel wings representing my dad. My dad and sister and I all got tattoos. I got the cross, my sister got a dandelion and my dad got an American flag. 27 days later, my dad died. So I got a tattered American flag with angel wings to represent him.
52) I am a night person. I despise the mornings as I generally stay up way too late so I'm extremely tired come morning.
53) Growing up, I would take my baseball glove to the St. Louis Cardinals games with my dad hoping that they'd need a replacement and would be all out of players and they'd need someone from the crowd. Rest assured, I was prepared.
54) When I was in high school, my lung suddenly collapsed which resulted in a chest tube being rammed into my chest leaving an aweful scar that I am extremely self conscience about.
55) I played the quads (drums) in marching band.
56) I love quoting movies in my daily conversation, even if the recipient doesn't catch the quotable.
57) My passion is art
58) When I was in school, I was always the teacher's pet. However that never helped me to receive better grades like it does in the movies.
59) Comfy clothes, a blanket, my wife, and a good movie is my idea of a fun Friday night.
60) I learned to draw from my grandma.
61) Now that I have children, I understand finally what my parents meant when they told me "they know what's best for me".
62) I can't watch news channels such as Fox News or CNN when there are multiple people talking and yelling at each other trying to talk louder than one another. It stresses me out.
63) I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I have lived in Sarasota, FL, Tampa, FL, Orlando, FL, and Nashville, TN.
64) I have driven through, or visited, 26 of the 50 states and would like to visit Hawaii and especially Alaska. I have never traveled outside of the United States though I want to travel to Scotland and Germany.
65) I have taken piano lessons, saxaphone lessons, and drum lessons.
66) I have acted in a couple of commercials and I was a leather coat model on Shop at Home tv.
67) The longest I have ever stayed at an office job has been 2 1/2 years (and counting).
68) I love elephants.
69) I want to own a house in Celebration, FL one day.
70) I am addicted to coffee
71) I am an orange belt in karate. Although I haven't utilized my skills in some time, so I'm sure I'm not at an orange belt level any longer. An orange belt isn't the highest ranking by any means, but hey, it's not bad! :)
72) I still have my wisdom teeth, however I am not any wiser.
73) I have two siblings, an older brother and an older sister. Yes, yes...I'm the baby.
74) I am a cat person. Dogs are great and all, but I am not into taking them out to "potty" at 6am when it's freezing cold outside. Cats are great because they do their business in a box. However I'm quite allergic to cats.
75) I struggle with the meaning of life from time to time, but then remember that God is in control.
76) I don't believe in "global warming".
77) I am sometimes a work-a-holic.
78) My favorite color is blue.
79) I love rainy days. Especially rainy Sundays.
80) I like reminiscing to music
81) Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year
82) I got married to my beautiful wife on the beach. She and I dated for only 2 months before we got engaged. After we got engaged, we got married 5 months after that.
83) I never got into the whole "super hero" thing. Batman, Superman, Flash Gordon, never really interested me. Ok, out of those three I liked Batman the best. But it never consumed me my any means.
84) I once gave my last taco from Taco Bell to a homeless woman that was walking down the street as was I. I was really annoyed when she tossed the wrapper on the ground. But I was glad that I gave her the taco.
85) I used to be a strict PC user, now I only use Macs. What was I thinking?!
86) I worked at Walt Disney World at the Disney/MGM Studios as a backlot tour guide. I had a 51 page script that I had to memorize. My favorite part of working that attraction was when it was my turn to drive the tram. We had to use "trucker lingo" over the CB.
87) I have an extremely vivid imagination.
88) I love getting caught up in a great book or an amazing epic movie series.
89) I don't know what I watched on T.V. before Lost came on.
90) My first car when I turned 16 was my grandmas 1986 Ford Fairmont
91) I am extremely faithful
92) It bugs me that I wasted so many years of my life dating the wrong women! Why couldn't I have just met my wife when I was 18 so I didn't have to go through the heart ache.
93) Sometimes I annoy myself whenever I start talking to much. I generally get very quiet as I feel that I'm annoying everyone else as much as I'm annoying myself.
94) I still watch Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer on Christmas Eve. That's been a family tradition ever since I can remember.
95) I would rather have quality friends than a quantity of friends.
96) Sometimes I listen to sad music just to get a good cry out.
97) One of my favorite moments in life was laying in bed with my wife until 4 in the morning singing 80's songs at the top of our lungs.
98) I love getting new manly smelling lotions, soaps, face washes, etc.
99) I think my wife is SO cute whenever she first wakes up because she has no idea where she is and has the sweetest, most innocent look on her face.
100) I would rather be poor and happy, than rich and unhappy.
101) I had a scholarship to go to college for drumming, but opted to pay out the nose to go to art school.
1) I miss my dad. He passed away over 2 years ago and the pain doesn't subside ever....I just cry less.
2) I cannot stand confrontation. I like peace and calm discussions with cool heads.
3) I love cold weather. Bundling up and getting all toasty. Snuggling up in my favorite chair with a good book while the wind howls outside with a nice warm fire crackling.
4) I am dedicated. I following things through to the end no matter what. Even if it takes me awhile to get my task accomplished, I don't rest easily until it is finished.
5) It makes me very sad and angry when people make fun of people who are mentally handicapped or have a disability. I hate it when people use the "R" word to describe mentally handicapped people.
6) I don't like "know-it-alls". People who have a story for everything and seemingly make up some things to appear as if they know what they're talking about. I am in the presence of someone like that as I type this very post.
7) I'm a family man. I love hanging out with my wife and my boys. They're my best friends in the world.
8) I am a simple man. I don't like alot of clutter. When you've moved from city to city like I have, you learn not to have alot of junk.
9) I am sensitive.
10) My love language is Words of Affirmation.
11) I am really reserved in large crowds. If I have to go to a function where there will be alot of people, I prefer to go with my wife or a close friend so I can be sure to have someone to talk to. I am not good at striking up conversations.
12) I don't like being the center of attention. I'd rather remain in the background.
13) I am very shy. However around my friends and loved ones, I am quite out-going.
14) When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronomer as I was, and still am, fascinated with the universe.
15) I used to get my sister in trouble when we were younger by slapping my leg then yelling "Ow! Julie! Stop hitting me!". I still feel bad for that.
16) I don't get star-struck at all. Actors, musicians, and "famous" people in general are all just like you and me. They have just chosen to act or sing for their career rather than being a banker or a designer. Just because they are on the television or on the radio, what makes them more important than me?
17) I have always wanted to be a sniper in the military. Still do.
18) I didn't shoot a real gun until I was 30 years old.
19) I love to cook.
20) My least favorite thing to do, cleaning-wise, is folding laundry. Although I certainly love the result of fresh, clean clothes.
21) I love feeding my youngest son his bottle late at night when he wakes up around midnight. He's so sleepy, and so peaceful. He lays in my arms and closes his eyes, and takes his little hands and puts them on my hands as I hold his bottle.
22) I always wanted to be a stuntman.
23) I find myself loving to write and always think that I have brilliant ideas for a book. I will start typing my thoughts and trying to formulate them into a book but once I get 2 pages completed, I realize that I'm out of ideas and the story is going no where.
24) I sometimes wish I would have gone to a "real" university so I could have experience the full college a Christian way of course.
25) I was a bartender.
26) I miss the easy access to a beach.
27) It makes me sad seeing how quickly my boys are growing up.
28) When I am in the car, I can sing like a rockstar.
29) I don't like when people are upset with me. I want to make everything better right then.
30) I know how to crochet.
31) I love downtown metropolises. I love seeing huge skyscrapers and all of the lights. Traveling to New York City a couple of years ago was one of the most fun trips that I have ever been on; seeing all of the buildings, one after the other, it was awe-inspiring.
32) I cry at sappy movies
33) Whatever happened to writing letters by hand and mailing them. That seems like an art to me and I like to write notes to my wife every once in awhile and give them to her like we're passing in the hall between classes in high school.
34) I love surprising my wife with things that she wants unexpectedly.
35) I took swimming lessons for 5 years and received 15 badges for various accomplishments in swimming including life saving and distance swimming.
36) I was on the golf team in high school.
37) I still play ice hockey and inline hockey whenever I get the chance.
38) The best round of golf I ever had I shot an 82. That same day Tiger Woods shot his worst round of golf at the British Open and coincidentally shot an 82.
39) I own a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air and a 1986 Chevy Custom Deluxe Pick-up
40) I cannot STAND forwarded emails
41) I believe that every single life is precious. The thought of abortion makes me sick to my core.
42) I don't like liars.
43) I don't like people who play mind games
44) I worked on the ice crew for the Nashville Predators (NHL) hockey team for 2 seasons. I would go out during commercial breaks and scoop the ice from around the nets and move the nets in between periods as the zamboni would drive by.
45) I love to laugh.
46) You can tell what kind of mood I'm in by the type of music I'm listening to.
47) I'm a people pleaser.
48) I love fashion and trying to look "put together".
49) I had a bully in high-school. One day, he tried to push me down the stairs. As he pushed me, I, all in one motion, jumped backwards and grabbed his shirt dragging him down the stairs as I landed safely. The next day, he tried pushing me around again, so i tactically took my gum out of my mouth and stuck it in his hair. He had to cut it out and it left a huge bald area. He never bothered me again.
50) I wonder how long I'd last in a UFC fight.
51) I have two tattoos. A cross on my right arm on the inner bicep. And a tattered American flag with angel wings representing my dad. My dad and sister and I all got tattoos. I got the cross, my sister got a dandelion and my dad got an American flag. 27 days later, my dad died. So I got a tattered American flag with angel wings to represent him.
52) I am a night person. I despise the mornings as I generally stay up way too late so I'm extremely tired come morning.
53) Growing up, I would take my baseball glove to the St. Louis Cardinals games with my dad hoping that they'd need a replacement and would be all out of players and they'd need someone from the crowd. Rest assured, I was prepared.
54) When I was in high school, my lung suddenly collapsed which resulted in a chest tube being rammed into my chest leaving an aweful scar that I am extremely self conscience about.
55) I played the quads (drums) in marching band.
56) I love quoting movies in my daily conversation, even if the recipient doesn't catch the quotable.
57) My passion is art
58) When I was in school, I was always the teacher's pet. However that never helped me to receive better grades like it does in the movies.
59) Comfy clothes, a blanket, my wife, and a good movie is my idea of a fun Friday night.
60) I learned to draw from my grandma.
61) Now that I have children, I understand finally what my parents meant when they told me "they know what's best for me".
62) I can't watch news channels such as Fox News or CNN when there are multiple people talking and yelling at each other trying to talk louder than one another. It stresses me out.
63) I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. I have lived in Sarasota, FL, Tampa, FL, Orlando, FL, and Nashville, TN.
64) I have driven through, or visited, 26 of the 50 states and would like to visit Hawaii and especially Alaska. I have never traveled outside of the United States though I want to travel to Scotland and Germany.
65) I have taken piano lessons, saxaphone lessons, and drum lessons.
66) I have acted in a couple of commercials and I was a leather coat model on Shop at Home tv.
67) The longest I have ever stayed at an office job has been 2 1/2 years (and counting).
68) I love elephants.
69) I want to own a house in Celebration, FL one day.
70) I am addicted to coffee
71) I am an orange belt in karate. Although I haven't utilized my skills in some time, so I'm sure I'm not at an orange belt level any longer. An orange belt isn't the highest ranking by any means, but hey, it's not bad! :)
72) I still have my wisdom teeth, however I am not any wiser.
73) I have two siblings, an older brother and an older sister. Yes, yes...I'm the baby.
74) I am a cat person. Dogs are great and all, but I am not into taking them out to "potty" at 6am when it's freezing cold outside. Cats are great because they do their business in a box. However I'm quite allergic to cats.
75) I struggle with the meaning of life from time to time, but then remember that God is in control.
76) I don't believe in "global warming".
77) I am sometimes a work-a-holic.
78) My favorite color is blue.
79) I love rainy days. Especially rainy Sundays.
80) I like reminiscing to music
81) Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year
82) I got married to my beautiful wife on the beach. She and I dated for only 2 months before we got engaged. After we got engaged, we got married 5 months after that.
83) I never got into the whole "super hero" thing. Batman, Superman, Flash Gordon, never really interested me. Ok, out of those three I liked Batman the best. But it never consumed me my any means.
84) I once gave my last taco from Taco Bell to a homeless woman that was walking down the street as was I. I was really annoyed when she tossed the wrapper on the ground. But I was glad that I gave her the taco.
85) I used to be a strict PC user, now I only use Macs. What was I thinking?!
86) I worked at Walt Disney World at the Disney/MGM Studios as a backlot tour guide. I had a 51 page script that I had to memorize. My favorite part of working that attraction was when it was my turn to drive the tram. We had to use "trucker lingo" over the CB.
87) I have an extremely vivid imagination.
88) I love getting caught up in a great book or an amazing epic movie series.
89) I don't know what I watched on T.V. before Lost came on.
90) My first car when I turned 16 was my grandmas 1986 Ford Fairmont
91) I am extremely faithful
92) It bugs me that I wasted so many years of my life dating the wrong women! Why couldn't I have just met my wife when I was 18 so I didn't have to go through the heart ache.
93) Sometimes I annoy myself whenever I start talking to much. I generally get very quiet as I feel that I'm annoying everyone else as much as I'm annoying myself.
94) I still watch Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer on Christmas Eve. That's been a family tradition ever since I can remember.
95) I would rather have quality friends than a quantity of friends.
96) Sometimes I listen to sad music just to get a good cry out.
97) One of my favorite moments in life was laying in bed with my wife until 4 in the morning singing 80's songs at the top of our lungs.
98) I love getting new manly smelling lotions, soaps, face washes, etc.
99) I think my wife is SO cute whenever she first wakes up because she has no idea where she is and has the sweetest, most innocent look on her face.
100) I would rather be poor and happy, than rich and unhappy.
101) I had a scholarship to go to college for drumming, but opted to pay out the nose to go to art school.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Is it so hard?
Just a couple of days ago, as I sat in a line at a fast food establishment, I was forced to stare at the vehicle in front. As I looked upon the vehicle, I had to look directly at one of my biggest pet peeves; people who can't put their tire covers on the right way! I mean seriously, when you are putting your tire cover on, do you not take a glance to make sure that the words are the correct way? It makes me laugh, but also makes me quite frustrated. I don't know why this causes me such disdain.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
And we're live in 5....4....3....2....
Franktown Rocks is officially live and open for business! After 5 action-packed months in live Beta Testing mode, Franktown Rocks has officially launched and is open for business. You can check it out at
The site is built, the infrastructure is in place, e-commerce has been set up, and we're ready to roll. We've even got welcome pages built in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Turkish because of all of our international traffic. We are now stepping into the Revenue Generating phase of our business plan.
As excited as we are to hit this important milestone, we know the real work is just beginning for us. We had 95,658 registered accounts during our Beta phase. Our goal now is to grow that number to 1 million in the next 6 months (or less!).
The site is built, the infrastructure is in place, e-commerce has been set up, and we're ready to roll. We've even got welcome pages built in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Turkish because of all of our international traffic. We are now stepping into the Revenue Generating phase of our business plan.
As excited as we are to hit this important milestone, we know the real work is just beginning for us. We had 95,658 registered accounts during our Beta phase. Our goal now is to grow that number to 1 million in the next 6 months (or less!).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
'Ole 4 Eyes...
Well, last week I went to the eye doctor because I was getting headaches on a regular basis from staring at my computer screen on a daily basis for 8 hours straight. As it turns out, I needed glasses. I certainly do not have horrible eyesight by any means, however, my eyes were weak enough that I needed some assistance from a pair of glasses.
The eye doctor informed me that I only needed to wear my glasses when I'm driving, and when I'm working on a computer and when watching the television or a movie to make things more crisp so my eyes to strain so much. So that is pretty much all day long that I have to wear them. I really like wearing them because it certainly makes everything much more vibrant, almost as if everything is in high definition, right through my very own spectacles.
The eye doctor informed me that I only needed to wear my glasses when I'm driving, and when I'm working on a computer and when watching the television or a movie to make things more crisp so my eyes to strain so much. So that is pretty much all day long that I have to wear them. I really like wearing them because it certainly makes everything much more vibrant, almost as if everything is in high definition, right through my very own spectacles.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
You'll never guess...
Bet you can't guess who I met today. Only the front man to one of the greatest 80's bands ever; I met Kip Winger from, you guessed it, Winger! Winger sang the smash hit "Seventeen".
The meeting was quite interesting. The office I work in is shared by a piano/keyboard repair shop and we see a ton of musicians come through our dwelling on a daily basis, but none as cool as Kip Winger. He walked into our area where I was drawing a cartoon character for the "no cyber-bullying" section of our site and Kip says ""I'm here to pick up my keyboard" then he does a rock stance then an air guitar windmill power chord and holds that pose for what felt like hours, I told him that he needed to "go through those double doors where the piano company was. Of course at this point I still didn't recognize him. I was only wondering who would stand there and do an air guitar windmill power chord after asking to pick up your piano!
After telling him where to go, he asked me "what's this company?". I responded and then he asked what we do and I said we are "building an online virtual world for kids". He retorted with "an online what??". Then I explained and he simply say "oh, very cool," then turned and proceeded, with a shuffle in his walk, to pick up his keyboard.
So needless to say I was a little excited to meet Kip Winger!
The meeting was quite interesting. The office I work in is shared by a piano/keyboard repair shop and we see a ton of musicians come through our dwelling on a daily basis, but none as cool as Kip Winger. He walked into our area where I was drawing a cartoon character for the "no cyber-bullying" section of our site and Kip says ""I'm here to pick up my keyboard" then he does a rock stance then an air guitar windmill power chord and holds that pose for what felt like hours, I told him that he needed to "go through those double doors where the piano company was. Of course at this point I still didn't recognize him. I was only wondering who would stand there and do an air guitar windmill power chord after asking to pick up your piano!
After telling him where to go, he asked me "what's this company?". I responded and then he asked what we do and I said we are "building an online virtual world for kids". He retorted with "an online what??". Then I explained and he simply say "oh, very cool," then turned and proceeded, with a shuffle in his walk, to pick up his keyboard.
So needless to say I was a little excited to meet Kip Winger!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The other night, as Garrett lay on the floor with his blocks in a scattered mess surrounding him, he was stacking them one on top of the other. As it turns out, at one point, Garrett actually spelled a word that very much sums up his personality. His first word that he unintentionally spelled was "zeal". So cute!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
As I sit here watching the VP Debates, I listen to Sarah Palin, (she's so cute!) say something that is going to get made fun of and compared to President Bush. She keeps saying "nuclear", but she is saying it like President Bush says it, she says it like "nu-cu-ler". The libs are going to hound her for that! You heard it here first people!
But overall, I really like what she is saying, it's a very good debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin.
But overall, I really like what she is saying, it's a very good debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shredder's Demise
Yes, you may think I am speaking of a tree shredder, possibly even a paper shredder, but no. I am speaking of the Shredder, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You may be asking yourself at this moment, "Has he completely lost his mind?!". Not completely; but close.
So, this evening when I got home from work, my wife, boys and I sat down at our kitchen table to a delicious meal of spaghetti. As we sit talking about our day, we hear the hum of the dryer in the background. Slowly a noise gets louder and louder, emanating from the dryer; almost sounds like a small shoe with the laces clanging against the metal interior. After several minutes, reaching the point of annoyance, I opened the dryer to find out what was creating this noise. To my surprise, I found that the Shredder lost his battle, not to a battle with Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, or Raphael, but rather he simply was destroyed by the dryer. Not even Shredder's Foot Soldiers could save him from this massive machine which obviously showed no mercy, ripping Shredders leg from his hip joint.
Of course Steph and I looked at each other wondering "how in the world did he get into the dryer in the first place". Then jumping down from his chair, our oldest ran over saying "Hey!", snatched up Shredder and scampered off into the living room with him. We both looked at each other and realized that it was Garrett that slipped Shredder into the dryer, unbeknowst to us.
R.I.P. Shredder.
So, this evening when I got home from work, my wife, boys and I sat down at our kitchen table to a delicious meal of spaghetti. As we sit talking about our day, we hear the hum of the dryer in the background. Slowly a noise gets louder and louder, emanating from the dryer; almost sounds like a small shoe with the laces clanging against the metal interior. After several minutes, reaching the point of annoyance, I opened the dryer to find out what was creating this noise. To my surprise, I found that the Shredder lost his battle, not to a battle with Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, or Raphael, but rather he simply was destroyed by the dryer. Not even Shredder's Foot Soldiers could save him from this massive machine which obviously showed no mercy, ripping Shredders leg from his hip joint.
Of course Steph and I looked at each other wondering "how in the world did he get into the dryer in the first place". Then jumping down from his chair, our oldest ran over saying "Hey!", snatched up Shredder and scampered off into the living room with him. We both looked at each other and realized that it was Garrett that slipped Shredder into the dryer, unbeknowst to us.
R.I.P. Shredder.

Uncage the beast....
Wanna see a tiger hunt down and tear into it's prey? All that is needed is for someone to disrespect my wife or my kids and you'll see a similar action. I may seem docile and relatively quite most of the time. I keep to myself, do not seek trouble either. But mess with my family, and you'll see a beast released within me come to the defense of my family like nothing ever seen. I don't appreciate when someone accuses anyone in my family of being uncaring, or falsifying the truth. When individuals like that come along in our life, it is hard for me to maintain my composure. I generally rely on my wife to calm me down.
I love my wife and my boys too much to let anyone speak ill of them. What's worse is when accusations come from an individual that doesn't even know my wife, myself, or our kids. Someone who has known us for maybe 2 months thinks that they have the right to judge my wife? I'm sorry, I don't approve of that. Especially when that judgement is inaccurate. Someone who comes from a broken home and has a child in a broken home? They think they know everything? What they don't realize, is that subliminally they are deeply affected by their upbringing in a broken home. They raise their own child without a father. They somehow think the world is out to get them and that there is no one else that is right other than them. Trying to justify their thoughts, they accuse anyone that crosses their path of being unjust and making them the way they are. They think that their child can do no wrong and it's the system that is failing and not the parent in charge. I often call it the "Guilty Parent Syndrome" or GPS. Parents, mostly single parents, that obviously have to work to make a living while their child(ren) are in some sort of daycare. They have the unfortunate experience of not getting to raise their own children. So once they pick up their child, they tend to end up pandering to whatever their child wants because they feel guilty about being away from that child all day. What then ends up happening is that child very soon realizes that the parental figure will more than likely give that child anything it wants if it puts up a fight because the parent feels guilty from being away all day. Or, when the parent gets home, the parent is too tired to run around and correct the child and give it proper discipline and the child grows up without boundaries, thus enabling the child to think it can do whatever it wants whenever it pleases.
The problem then comes in when that child is being watched by a responsible parental figure, such as my wife, that actually takes action to try to discipline that boundless child to teach the child to share, play nicely, and potty train the child. When that child acts out of line, then gets disciplined for it, of course they aren't used to that so the child tells its parent and the parent thinks that the care taker is out of line for disciplining their child.
Let me say that this isn't in every case by any means, this is just from events that I have personally witnessed. I have also witnessed many great children that have been raised in day care facilities and fully support facilities as such. With the way things are going these days, two incomes is a necessity. I am just simply giving the examples that I have witnessed in the past month and a half that have made me absolutely livid that someone would accuse my wife of being an improper care taker when I know for a FACT that I am an extremely lucky man to have such an amazing woman, my wife, raising our children. Seeing how happy my boys are and how much fun they have, how much they smile and laugh, proves to me that my wife is an amazing mother.
I love my wife and my boys too much to let anyone speak ill of them. What's worse is when accusations come from an individual that doesn't even know my wife, myself, or our kids. Someone who has known us for maybe 2 months thinks that they have the right to judge my wife? I'm sorry, I don't approve of that. Especially when that judgement is inaccurate. Someone who comes from a broken home and has a child in a broken home? They think they know everything? What they don't realize, is that subliminally they are deeply affected by their upbringing in a broken home. They raise their own child without a father. They somehow think the world is out to get them and that there is no one else that is right other than them. Trying to justify their thoughts, they accuse anyone that crosses their path of being unjust and making them the way they are. They think that their child can do no wrong and it's the system that is failing and not the parent in charge. I often call it the "Guilty Parent Syndrome" or GPS. Parents, mostly single parents, that obviously have to work to make a living while their child(ren) are in some sort of daycare. They have the unfortunate experience of not getting to raise their own children. So once they pick up their child, they tend to end up pandering to whatever their child wants because they feel guilty about being away from that child all day. What then ends up happening is that child very soon realizes that the parental figure will more than likely give that child anything it wants if it puts up a fight because the parent feels guilty from being away all day. Or, when the parent gets home, the parent is too tired to run around and correct the child and give it proper discipline and the child grows up without boundaries, thus enabling the child to think it can do whatever it wants whenever it pleases.
The problem then comes in when that child is being watched by a responsible parental figure, such as my wife, that actually takes action to try to discipline that boundless child to teach the child to share, play nicely, and potty train the child. When that child acts out of line, then gets disciplined for it, of course they aren't used to that so the child tells its parent and the parent thinks that the care taker is out of line for disciplining their child.
Let me say that this isn't in every case by any means, this is just from events that I have personally witnessed. I have also witnessed many great children that have been raised in day care facilities and fully support facilities as such. With the way things are going these days, two incomes is a necessity. I am just simply giving the examples that I have witnessed in the past month and a half that have made me absolutely livid that someone would accuse my wife of being an improper care taker when I know for a FACT that I am an extremely lucky man to have such an amazing woman, my wife, raising our children. Seeing how happy my boys are and how much fun they have, how much they smile and laugh, proves to me that my wife is an amazing mother.
With the amount of work I have been doing lately, I feel like my mind has been completely erased. Unable to process thoughts, I feel as if I have been in a trance. As much as I enjoy writing and putting my thoughts into words, there has been so much "life" going on lately, I haven't had time to stop and reflect and write. But I suppose that is why life is so beautiful, it is completely unpredictable.
My intention for this post when I started thinking then started typing was to write about the fact that I don't have anything to talk about. But apparently I do. I am writing about the emptiness of my mind as of late. We are in the final crunch at work to get everything completed before the major launch of our site and we are coming down to the wire. My oldest son has been waking up around 4:30 in the morning screaming in terror from nightmares. Trying to reign in debt. All factors in the draining of the last amounts of energy in my brain, leaving little to no creativity or conscience thought to write even something half-witty.
P.S. For my 3 loyal readers of my blog, if you happen to know anyone who is interested in buying a beautiful classic pick-up truck that has been fully restored by a professional, please forward this link to them:
My intention for this post when I started thinking then started typing was to write about the fact that I don't have anything to talk about. But apparently I do. I am writing about the emptiness of my mind as of late. We are in the final crunch at work to get everything completed before the major launch of our site and we are coming down to the wire. My oldest son has been waking up around 4:30 in the morning screaming in terror from nightmares. Trying to reign in debt. All factors in the draining of the last amounts of energy in my brain, leaving little to no creativity or conscience thought to write even something half-witty.
P.S. For my 3 loyal readers of my blog, if you happen to know anyone who is interested in buying a beautiful classic pick-up truck that has been fully restored by a professional, please forward this link to them:
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