Thursday, January 14, 2010

Waiting for their turn to talk....

If you've read my below post about my pet peeve of "talking while yawning", well, I have another annoyance that I must write about. I get extremely frustrated and annoyed with individuals in a conversation that are just barely listening to what you say and waiting for their moment to talk. I work with a gentleman, my boss as a matter of fact, who is notorious for this! It happened just today in a meeting. His wife works here as well as the second in command and we were in a meeting about a web design project and she was talking about why a certain piece of functionality wouldn't work on the website. Well "the boss" didn't like that he was being told that something wasn't going to work. So he was fighting tooth and nail to make the case that the functionality was going to work just fine. His wife was arguing back and as she was making her very valid, rational points about why this functionality won't work, every 2 seconds, he was say "right.....right....right....right...." then the moment she took a moment to breath he would say "....right" real quick and then start on his own train of thought. Generally when you're saying "right" to someone that means one of two things....1) It means "right" as in you're correct! Or 2) It means "right, I understand your points, but..." With the way he says it, it's just him acknowledging that words just came out of your mouth, but he didn't register a single idea or thought that you just spoke. He is also one of those type of people that stop listening when they have heard the information that they want to hear. Then when they repeat back the information or try to recollect what was said in a conversation, they look and sound foolish for stumbling around on their words and thoughts trying to grasp for all of the facts that were said. The truth is, if he'd just shut his trap for 5 seconds, take the time to process the coherent thoughts we all put together here that make logical sense, maybe it would register to him that we all know much more about what we're talking about than he gives us credit for. That's the bad thing, he thinks he's the end all be all on technology based creative and development, I've kind of skewed my rant here...but this is good venting people!

This particular company that I'm working for does not have a good reputation here in Nashville. Everyone that I talk to, recruiters, fellow creatives, etc., they all know the reputation that "this place" has (and will remain unnamed for now), and they all ask generally the same, heart-felt, sympathetic question: "Oooo, are you doing there? What is it like to work for (Boss' name here)?" It's actually quite humorous after reading some of the blogs about this company and reading other people's experiences here and how parallel my experience is to theirs.